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Brown v Board of Education

Kansas Oil and Gas Fields

Oil and gas resources are not found everywhere in the state, but at least some production has occurred in most counties, as the map here shows. John O. Farmer III whose company is located in Russell described in his 2023 interview his company's exploration and production activities in the area around Russell. When Roger McCoy was interviewed in 2024 for the oral history project, he described becoming interested in geology almost by accident in the 1950s. He also recalled working in the southcentral and southwest part of Kansas where both oil and gas are found.

Flint Hills — A Unique Area

The Flint Hills form one of 11 physiographic regions in Kansas. The combination of topography, climate, and human activity have made part of the region one of the last remaining expanses of tallgrass prairie in the world. In excerpts from separate oral history interviews of two former Kansas Governors, you hear how a unique approach was implemented to prevent windfarm development in a portion of the Flint Hills to protect the tallgrass prairie. Governor Sebelius adopted the initial policy with a moratorium on windfarm development in a section of the Show MoreFlint Hills in 2004. As described in his oral history interview, Governor Brownback expanded the original area and renewed the protection. In 2020 Governor Laura Kelly continued the protection of the "Tallgrass Heartland." Show Less

Frank Carlson Study Guide

Frank Carlson, Kansas Native Son, former state legislator, Congressman, Governor, and U.S. Senator was the subject of an interview with Eunice Rolfs, his daughter, in order to gain information about her father and the times in which he lived. There is a study guide attached that is based on the interview transcript and other materials provided by the Carlson Library in Concordia, KS. The material is intended for use in middle school Kansas History classes.

The Arc of Water Policy

In two separate interviews, Joe Harkins, former director of the Kansas Water Office and Mike Hayden, former Governor of Kansas, discussed the arc of policymaking in the context of water policy. Both pointed to the importance of state leaders who saw water quality and quantity as important issues for the state. Both also pointed to the ebb and flow of interest in the issues as leaders changed through the electoral process. The clips of those interviews lead to some questions about how public policymaking depends on individuals' interactions with one another and how the formal structures of government Show Moreplay a role in those interactions. Show Less
  • image of Mike Hayden

Natural Boundaries

In his 2021 interview about Kansas water policy, former Kansas Governor Mike Hayden described the usefulness of establishing water policy administrative units based on the natural boundaries of watersheds.

Bipartisanship and Working Across the Aisle

This 10 minute video was prepared for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Kansas Oral History Project by former State Representative and Speaker ProTem David Heinemann. The video clips came from interviews in the KOHP archives. The first clip is former Congressman Jim Slattery talking about a speech he made on the floor of the House and Speaker Clyde Hill's comments to him. Next is Representative Kenny Wilk from Leavenworth area talking about advice from Rep. Bill Reardon, a Wyandotte county Democrat. Rep. Don Hineman, former Majority Leader speaks to the importance of "working Show Moreacross the aisle." Senator Paul Feleciano made a similar comment. Rep. Bob Tomlinson, Insurance Committee Chair had a great relationship with his ranking member. Rep. Carl Holmes was pulled off his post as chair of the Energy committee by the Speaker. Rep. Solbach spoke about the importance of socializing with members of the other party. Governor Graves talked about bipartisanship and his job as Governor in "taking care of the people's business." Senator Wint Winter was on a committee in 1986 trying to develop a state-wide plan for economic development. Heinemann concludes with more information on how the economic development task force was constructed and its successes. Show Less

Desegregating Topeka Public Schools – 45 years after Brown v. Board

In this 13-minute short video, taken from a longer oral history interview, Ben Scott - minister, NAACP official, former legislator, school board member--talks first about his experiences growing up in Liberty, Texas attending segregated schools. (Scott moved to Topeka to attend Washburn University.) In this clip, Scott describes how, after he became a member of the Topeka Public Schools Board of Education, the Board attempted to comply with a federal court order to desegregate schools. This clip could be used in conjunction with the lesson plan on Understanding Segregation. The full content of Show MoreScott's interview and transcript is in the KOHP collection, Diverse Voices in Public Policy. The interviewer is Joan Wagnon. There is more information about the court case in the Biography of The Honorable Richard Dean Rogers, Senior United States District Judge, a history prepared 1994-1995 by Homer Socolofsky, United States District Court, District of Kansas, 1995. Printed in U.SA. by Mennonite Press. Pertinent sections appear on pp. 106-107 and also pp. 111-113. Show Less

Understanding Segregation: A Snapshot of Historical Injustice

Carolyn Wims Campbell was educated at McKinley Elementary, a segregated school in the public school system of Topeka, KS. She later became a member of Topeka USD 501's Board of Education after which she was elected to the Kansas State Board of Education. In this lesson plan, created by Susan Sittenauer, students will hear first-hand stories from distinguished Kansans on the issue of segregation and will gain a greater understanding of how others have faced the challenges of discrimination. A companion piece, excerpted from the oral history of former legislator Ben Scott, deals with the Show Moredesegregation of the Topeka Public Schools 45 years after Brown v Board. The Scott clip could be used as an additional lesson.

A related clip from the Campbell interview

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Navigating the Kansas Appellate Court System

This lesson plan for a high school government class was crafted by Susan Sittenauer, a Kansas high school teacher with 39 years of teaching experience. Using excerpts from an oral history of former Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier, she developed a series of questions and discussions to give learners a solid understanding of the decision-making process for cases before the Kansas Supreme Court. Justice Beier's explanations are very clear and easily followed in the three excerpts from her oral history interview. Sittenauer's lesson plan is also congruent with the social studies standards for Kansas.

Standards Crosswalk Materials

Learning is all about making connections—from one subject to another, from classroom to everyday life. This set of "crosswalk" materials connects the social studies disciplines of history, geography and government with the standards for English Language Arts and Library and Information Literacy at the elementary, middle school and high school levels. In 2023 the English Language Arts Standards and Library and Information Literacy Standards were updated by the Kansas State Board of Education. The crosswalk materials are intended to help teachers incorporate the ELA and Library standards in the social studies classes as they utilize the foundational Show Morepractices of ELA: to write, speak, read and listen appropriately in all disciplines, to use knowledge gained from literacy experiences to solve problems or seek to understand diverse perspectives. Show Less
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