Topic: Budget session

Interview of Jack Euler, April 22, 2015
Interviewed by Burdett Loomis
Jack Euler talks about his ten years in the Legislature and the formal and informal leadership dynamics he witnessed. Euler notes the changes in the Legislature that began with initial implementation of the one person, one vote principle as the basis for legislative districts rather than the county-based system that had existed since statehood. He describes how redistricting gradually changed the urban-rural dynamic of the House. Euler also reflects on the influence of lobbyists on both legislation and leadership in the House.

Interview of George Teagarden, October 28, 2022
Interviewed by Duane Goossen and Joan Wagnon
This interview with George Teagarden covers the 14 years he spent in the House of Representatives, mostly serving on the Ways and Means/Appropriations committee. Teagarden describes the committee whose job was to work the state budget every year. In the early years it was characterized by cooperation and working together on issues regardless of party. He notes that cooperation was changing as he left and becoming much more partisan. The use of provisos often bypassed the traditional legislative route for policy-making. He followed his legislative service by working 16 years as Kansas Livestock Show MoreCommissioner. The livestock industry had appointed him to that job, but it is now a gubernatorial appointment. Show Less