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Individuals have Rights, Responsibilities

  • How Things Got Done

How the Legislature Works

The 30 minute video, "How Things Got Done in the Kansas Legislature" is an introduction to how laws are made in Kansas and features 12 different legislators talking about how they got elected, how they determined their legislative priorities--in effect, how they made things happen in the Kansas Legislature.
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What Kansas Courts Do

Retired Kansas Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier explains in this short video how the courts are different from the other two branches of state government and how the Supreme Court works to preserve the rule of law. The complete text of the interview of Justice Beier by Richard Ross can be found under the Kansas Courts and the Rule of Law collection.
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What Kansas Governors Do

This 14 minutes video uses segments from the oral history interviews of two Kansas Governors, Kathleen Sebelius and Bill Graves, to illustrate how each of these popular, two-term governors navigated the political waters.  Topics include budgets, school finance, working with a cabinet, court mandates.
  • Mock Congressional Hearing for Students

Speaking and Listening Skills

Well-developed abilities of both listening and speaking are critical for success. These skills are required for postsecondary success. With them students can positively impact the world at all levels. This work can be done through several different instruction styles and supported through quality formative and summative assessment types. One powerful technique that provides students the opportunity to grow these skills is a mock congressional hearing summative assessment. During this process students use the compelling questions offered by the Kansas Oral History Project to dig into the world around them, finding research and resources to help answer their questions.

Identify a Kansas Hero: a history lesson for 7th graders

This lesson plan, created by Michael Kates who is a 7th grade teacher in Topeka, asks the essential question, “How do theories, beliefs and inventions transform society? Students will select an oral history interview from the KOHP collection, watch the video in order to draw conclusions about the historical significance of the person and the resulting consequences of that person’s actions. Activities include taking notes on an Identity Chart about the important aspects of their identity and using Canva to create a comic book based on the Kansas hero’s early life, achievements, and ideas. Complete details of Show Morethe four-lesson plan can be downloaded below. Show Less

Compare and Contrast Kansas Governors – a lesson plan

In this lesson plan for high school government classes, students will select two oral history interviews from the KOHP Kansas Governors collection or from other oral histories. They will learn research skills and will analyze the videos or transcripts of these interviews in order to draw conclusions about the historical significance of the person and the resulting consequences of that person’s actions. Activities include taking Cornell notes about the important aspects of their identity and use a graphic organizer to contrast and compare the two governors. Complete details of the four-lesson plan can be downloaded below. Michael Kates, a Show Moreteacher in the Topeka Public Schools created the lesson plan. Show Less
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