Photo credit: Kansas Geological Survey

Rex Buchanan, Director Emeritus of the Kansas Geological Survey, a KOHP interviewer, and commentator for Kansas Public Radio (KPR) recently made some observations about the continuing evolution of water policy in Kansas.  This commentary serves as an addendum to the KOHP Reflections on Water oral history collection.  Rex conducted those interviews in 2019 -2021 when it looked like the arc of water policy, as described by Joe Harkins, may have reached a low point.

Rex starts the commentary noting the change in direction, “Don’t look now, but Kansas water is having a moment . . . The governor re-established a water subcabinet, that are regular get-togethers of the cabinet level agencies that deal with water. And the governor appointed a special advisor on water.”  That’s a big deal.  As the Reflections interviews revealed, the Governor’s attention is key to development and implementation of water policy priorities.

Rex’s next point regarding the content of needed new policy is one that may land hard in some quarters, “Bottom line: we can stem declines in the Ogallala, but not with improved efficiency alone. We have to tie those efficiency measures to some sort of binding agreement to actually reduce the amount of water being pumped.”  Future developments will reveal whether the trajectory of the arc of water policy in Kansas has changed.

Listen to and read the transcript of Rex’s commentary at

  Download the transcript.